Number of Solar Systems with Life in the Milky Way

more recent translation from futureofmankind, edited to American English:

Source: Contact Report 228 (Extract)

English Translation
106. Known to us in this galaxy are only about 2.63 million highly developed human civilizations, which ‘actually’ belong together per definition, whereby from other galaxies known to us a further 1.141 billion can be factored into that.
107. We also know of 1.04 million civilisations which are essentially developed to a low level, within this galaxy which you call the Milky Way.
108. Our scientists estimate that in the entirety of the universe about 6 trillion to 7 trillion human civilizations, of essentially higher and lower form would have to exist, in your material space-time configuration.
What do you mean by ‘actual’?
109. That phrase is to be understood in terms of unity of collective progress, which is created through science and technology and thereby includes developed and improved medical, social and material living conditions and so forth.

See also: Number of human races in the universe

(Update / correction: first number below should now read 156 billion stars with 431 billion solid planets.)

Cosmic Love

Our Milky Way Galaxy:

– About 570 billion suns have planets around them

– About 7 Million of these sun systems have planets where life exist, both human and non human, meaning insects, fish animals etc.

– And within these, about 7 million sun systems, which have planets where any form of life exist, there are about 3.67 million human civilizations with the split 2,63 million highly developed and 1,04 million lower developed.


Reference: Stimme der WASSERMANZEIT. WISSENWERTES aus Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien Nr. 1 September 1976 and page 474,475 block 5 Plejadish Plejarishe Kontaktberichte Published 2004 Augsburg

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7 thoughts on “Number of Solar Systems with Life in the Milky Way

  1. Guys please share this post. It’s so important! A lot of people want to know this information, but don’t know an accurate answer even exists. Memorize the numbers, and whenever it comes up in a conversation, you will be the one to set the record straight.


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