Thank you letter from Former Catholics

CR 845

4th May 2023
Dear Mr Meier, or Billy, as you are also called,
Thank you, you are really a gift for me and in general for us human beings of this world. Please continue to publish your contact reports, your special time signs and everything else that is with you on the FIGU pages on the internet. I and all human beings need it, and I am sure that many hundreds of thousands and even millions think and feel as I do. My parents are also among them, my mother being already 94 and my father 98 years old. We all still live together in the same house since I was a child, and I am 76 years old, my husband 79, and we have 2 children, a son and a daughter, who are married and also have children, and they learn like me and my parents from everything you teach in your books and writings, which we all have. We were all slaves to the Catholic faith, but we gave it up because we had to realise that everything of faith in God, in Jesus and all the saints and angels are only lies and everything is deception and detracts from our own thinking. And since we make our own thoughts and no longer believe in the lies of the Bible, we are all better and even good, and we can really live without fear and no longer have to think about sins. Through your books and writings we have learned that we are responsible for everything we think and do, also that it is not a sin for us to do something wrong. We have learned through you and your books and writings that we must always learn and therefore also make mistakes and can also suffer harm, which we then admit and make up for or for which we must atone. But we have to do this ourselves, and no amount of praying for forgiveness will help us, only that we ourselves spoon up the soup we make for ourselves, and that we ourselves have to answer for everything we make for ourselves. All that I can say from the bottom of my heart is that I myself and all my loved ones can never express to you, dear Billy, the great thanks in words that are due to you for the fact that I myself and all of us in our families have finally become free human beings and are no longer bound by the shackles of confused faith in a non-existent God, Saviour, angels and saints. You cannot possibly know what everything of yours, your books and writings, etc., mean to our families. All of us always look forward to the new contact reports, as well as the special time signs and the good articles in your writing ‘Voice of Aquarian Time’. You, Billy, bring the word of truth to us, and you show us true life by proclaiming that which is really the truth and teaches how and that thinking for ourselves really sets us human beings free and gives us a feeling of life which can never come about through a belief. We first had to recognise and experience this through your books and writings, etc., and only in this process could we get away from faith and finally be ourselves and free, happy, satisfied and finally without fear and guilt that sins could bring us to hell and eternal suffering in purgatory. I myself can only express my infinite thanks to you, for you have made life a joy for me, but so it is also for my loved ones, my parents and my children, as well as their children.
What I would like to say in particular about the beautiful farm and the land around it, I think that a master must be at work here, because I am amazed at what I often see when I come to Hinterschmidrüti alone or with my husband. Everything is always so clean and well-kept, and the variety of trees particularly catches my eye, especially the slope in front of Schmidrüti with the dark green trees, which gives me a special impression. They are supposed to be ‘yews’, as my husband says, and these convey something to me that I unfortunately absolutely cannot find in the city. But I have photographed this little forest and had the picture enlarged and framed, and so it now hangs in the entrance to our house. I greet you warmly and with great thanks – also all of us in general.
Mrs …
– That is great, those are words I love to hear, because they bear witness to the fact that what you are striving for is actually bearing fruit and not everything just going unnoticed and blowing away like the wind somewhere and into transience.
The truth is able to become known to all human beings in some process, if they only want it, but the best process is to bring it to them through words of truth, as I am doing. In this way, therefore, truth can have an effect on learning, regardless of age and sex, so that human beings, if they really want to, can take it up, learn it and make it their own. Truth is important for all generations, for the old and the young, and can be learned through one’s own thoughts, correct reflections and insights. There are absolutely no differences or challenges that the logic, intellect and reason of those human beings who honestly, justly, willingly and endeavouringly seek effective truth cannot meet. Truth itself is the care for the human being to be well and to live a good and right life, for effective truth is all-encompassing, immeasurable and effective, and it has nothing to do with status, spiritualistic nonsense, devil worship and the like, nor with religion and religious or worldly belief, with other unreal and unreal things, with a particular profession, with being rich or poor, with a specially acquired skill or with a particular achievement, etc. Truth is also a form of love, which every human being needs if he wants to live and exist according to this effective truth and life itself.

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